We have MOVED!

Yes, I have been facing a few technical difficulties on wordpress and for that I am very excited to tell you that this site has been moved to blogger!


And its now called:

The Days of Rain and Summer: has a nice ring to it, dont you think?



I hope to see you there soon!

Loads of hugs,

Niki J

New times, new beginnings and birthday resolutions!

The birthday month is here! Quick, someone pop a tube of confetti or something, because in 3 weeks time, I will be the vibrant age of 23!


That means, I can’t sing Taylor Swift’s 22 anymore…
But I can make my own song about what 23 is going to be all about.
Which is NEW and GOOD CHANGE.
I know, I know, it’s been close to a year since I decided to start this blog, all to show what the transition into adulthood and work life (and responsibilities) is going to be about. I have been anything but regular. But instead of justifying why it was so, I am going to list a series of things that I intend on changing this time around. And what better month to start it than June!


• Post regularly. And by that I mean a set time of the week. I was thinking every Tuesdays and Fridays to start with, because they are my favorite days of the week. I like Saturdays too but I know the weekend schedule will get to me at one point, so T.A.F it is!
• So my vacation lasted a little longer than I thought it would, and as a result, I have gained a little too much weight than I thought I would. Also working for about a year has resulted in a bit of lethargy which I absolutely dislike! So I did a bit of research and I am not looking at a few interesting classes to join to help me be a bit more active.
• Write more! It’s a MUST. An absolute must! And be more honest about it. No more, of god I need to write something so let’s doodle in some… No! Good, regular writing should help me sharpen my skills which have been dormant for quite a white.
• Organize myself. My thoughts, goals, achievements and the things I want to currently do and put more of an effort in fulfilling them. Because 23 is going to be the age of clarity. You figure yourself out, what you want to do and who you want to become and I want all of that to be nothing but the best of what I can be!

Sighs. This isn’t going to be easy, but I am sure that what’s going to come at the end of it all would be nothing short of pure brilliance. But onward year of clarity! And no turning back!



Gasp! I’m a working woman now

And here we go. Probably another reason to my irregular posts (which I need to stop apologizing for :/) is this clear distinction I made of myself and who I was, when I started working to who I am now.

Here is an article I wrote recently which really made me think about how I have manage to hold a steady grip of who I am in this crazy world of careers and work. The audience for this piece, primarily college students who need a small introductory picture to what we think working is going to feel like, as to what it is, actually.

Today feels like one of those reflecting I-don’t-feel-like-working, and sit by myself in a coffee shop and write type of days. Sighs.

Let me know what you think!

The work life: Expectations vs. Reality


As the seniors approach graduation day, and as the juniors move on to their next year, all of us at one point have thought about the biggest step we can take in adulthood.

Getting a job.

I know what you must be thinking. We should simmer down and get serious about our future. We should bid goodbye to the freedom and frolic college used to give us, and now narrow ourselves into this big, (maybe) bad world of careers and positions, pay packages and  incentives, we should tone down this vibrant dressed college student into a grey suited corporate individual and act more stringent about what we would consider, work life attitude.

Woah. Let me stop you right there.

Hi. I work in an advertising agency, and I’m not going to lie, but it’s anything but boring.

I listen to EDM music, sip on green tea, eat a lot of chocolate, twirl around in my chair and oh, I occasionally work too.

I write ads, think of visual concepts, pitch a few marketing strategies and recently took a swing at digital media campaigning.

Sounds like a pretty picture? It’s not.

Reality is, it does have its downfalls; the timings, the monetary scale, the creativity blocks, the ego clashes, insecurity of your skills, and the feeling that your little bud of an idea will never work, why pitch it?

You find days where nothing works out, you have no reason to be here, you think your entire career move in this company will be for nothing, you don’t belong, this isn’t you… resignation is just a step away…

And you don’t know what to do.


Honestly, all jobs are going to make you feel this way at one point. They are going to seep out this cheery college student persona and your surroundings will force you to become this glum individual who churns out mediocre results just like everyone else, with enough force.

Even with a job as creatively demanding as mine, there will be days when you feel like your career doesn’t make sense right now and graduating college did not prepare you for this life of monotony and silent despair.

To that I say, put your foot down, and tell it to STOP. And, Chill. Out.

Who said getting a job means chaining yourself to a desk, working hour after hour, day after day, going home to find some quiet time, rinse and repeat?

Who said working means that you would have to lock away your most lively you and carve out this mechanical being that would answer to a boss and consider coffee a staple diet?

No. Not when you find yourself in a job that suites you so well, it doesn’t feel like a job, but second nature. Or, what you make of the job given to you, and how you furnish yourself to make that career choice a meaningful one, a better one, and most importantly, a fulfilling one.

Keep on doing what you do and don’t ever stop; read, listen to music, wear colorful shirts, watch movies, play video games, socialize, make new friends, watch endless you tube videos, eat, and do everything that makes you a happy, radiant individual, with this zest for more than a work life.

You want to live life.

And enjoy the benefits of work, the excess allowance, the recognition, the smiles, the learning, the feeling of being young and energetic with dreams and aspirations that have no limits…

It’s up to you to mold what you have into the best experience for yourselves as no one else can do that for you. Don’t let the monotony of it all get anywhere close to you. You weren’t meant to be like everybody else. You were meant to be different, to stand out.

So start acting like it and results will follow through. Keep yourself true and collected, manage the harder days and brutally drag yourself out of those blue, muddy days if you have to.

Live on the principle that there is so much to do, see, learn and achieve in life and when needed console yourself that the future will look as promising as you wish it to be and you cannot wait to see what more life has in store for you.

And you know what the best part is? 

This is just the beginning.

 Images courtesy Google.

Hello Fabulous!

I know I havent posted much recently, but all for good reason.

December was absolutely nothing but INSANE. I would love to say insanely good, buuuuttt…. it was a bittersweet way to end such a BRILLIANT year 2013!

I ADORED 2013! At the start of the year, I had decided to make this jar where I’d write down all the good things that happened to me in 2014 on tiny bits of paper, fold them, and drop them in. Then at the end of the year, or the start, I’d pick them out and re-read what I had written.

And smile till my cheeks hurt as I recall all the awesome things that happened to me this year!


Ohkay, so the little white booger looking dots is actually… glow in the dark paint! 😀

So anyway, I have a resolution post coming up and i think I am doing just fine with the resolutions bit because one of my resolutions was to… write more! 😀

So: Ta-dah!


Images courtesy google

Oh, and me!

I no write good

“People need to be made more aware of the need to work at learning how to live because life is so quick and sometimes it goes away too quickly.” — Andy Warhol

Woman covering ears

To those reading this surreptitiously from a laptop, or desktop given to them by the officials of their very first job, within an environment where you are constantly pressured to perform, let me ask you something:

How do you feel?

From the retrospect of being one of those individuals very recently acquainted with the toils and excitements of the work life, have you ever faced a situation where everyone in your professional life is constantly telling you ‘you can’t do this’ or ‘you think you can do this, but you really can’t’?

Have you?

Because I for one use to question the very same skills I was appreciated for in college i.e. writing.

Was I a really good as writer as I thought I was? Or was I just kidding myself?

Is my grammar that bad that I am constantly reminded that I need to work on it? And I am nothing in comparison to the superiors in the field?

Now, if I am not, am I a lost case? And if I am, is it mere career ego that’s making them push me down?

Nope. It’s neither. Because believe it or not, it’s probably the most important learning experience you will ever come across, and I would advise you to make the most of it.

How so?

It’s quite simple. I don’t doubt my skills in writing, yes my grammar may be off a couple of time, yes, my word composition may not even make sense to anyone who is not me, but I don’t have a problem with the corrections that come my way.

I will admit that it did get on my nerves at one point. People 2 or 3 years older than me probe and poke everything I do, and at times sharply point out things that weren’t mistakes to begin with, but a mere difference in choice of words. And yes, I did question my skills in writing and it did shake a better part of my individuality.

But then I realized this has to be the best way to just get better and better! All these people correct because clearly they know something more. They have been in the field longer and hence have discovered a few tips that may help you move further. So why not pick out that ‘something more’?

The trick is to absorb criticism in the right spirit. And also differentiate which pieces of criticism to take in and which ones to throw in a dark bag at the back of your mind, because you never know when the ones which weren’t applicable then, would be so in the future.

Nothing is wasted, and nothing should be. Everything you learn should be neatly sorted in folders in your head: useful, spirit enhancing, soul crushing, ground breaking, fascinating, un-heard of, sheer nonsense etc. and dealt with accordingly.

The most you can do is to make sure that if you ever do have a wide-eyed, fresh out of college person working under your guidance, you would probably not be as harsh as your superiors were at one point, towards you.

Because no one in the entire world has the power to tell you that you are not good enough. Who were they to judge you in the first place? In their eyes, you even may be a threat, or a force that surpassed their skill when they were you age.

Or you may be someone they found potential in, and they want to mold that potential in the most optimal way. Can you blame them?  


I don’t see the point of fearing it anymore, I say go for it and explore all the opportunities it give you, and who knows? Their faith in your skills may just be the reaffirmation they needed to grow.

So I no write good, remember?

But I is wanting to write even more awesome-er.

And therefore, I shall learn.


Pictures courtesy Google.



Activate Inactivate; The how to guide of work pick-yourself-ups

So I kinda have been out of action for a little while and with good reason!

While moving houses, starting a new job, managing whats left of a social life and still making time for family, I have managed to learn a million things on multi-tasking, mood swing(ing), days where the only person who can pick you up- is you, and a whole new brace of the real world.

So this is what I tell myself: Breathe.


Which I think I have mentioned in my previous posts, but this time it has been way more applicable. How so?

Well let me explain with a way you could probably relate.

When you start something new, or do something new, you sort of lose yourself in the enthusiasm of it all. And then you fizz out little by little and the excitement dies down. Or how my mom likes to call it, the shaken up coke bottle.

If you shake up a coke bottle and then unscrew the cap, the drink with spray out with so much force initially, but after a while the fizz would die out. Which is EXACTLY what I am.

And sad to say, I sort of succumbed to the bleak confused world of the work life. A little.

Alongside a lot of other side projects which all got me thinking, whats the point of doing them, if I’m not enjoying what I do? And its creating more of a confused mess rather than keeping the creativity color in me alive.

So this is what I did:

  • I started writing at work

Yes, believe it or not but the answer to everything I to write it down. And I sort of started writing a lot at work, not only because I have free time on some days, but because since I am in the work environment, I can focus better on what I have to do.

It does magic for you, I can assure that. So I began to write down all the side projects which I was involved in and prioritized them in matter of importance. Obviously, work being first. Then came furniture shopping for the new house, then came this blog and other writing projects. And then my ever pending reading list, gaming list (sighs) and so on.

  • Changed to a better work lifestyle.

Since I got used to sitting down a lot, I started feeling low, lethargic, eating unnecessarily, and oh god-that sick bloated feeling wouldn’t go away. So I formulated a work habit. I walked a bit of my route to work, stuck to my every faithful green tea, started drinking water every time I wanted to munch and divided my lunch into 2 parts, one to eat during lunch time, and the other during a coffee break at 4, hence eating less but enough.


  • Perk up the office table!

Oh this part was fun. I started customizing my office cubicle pin up board with my things, dropped in a few feng shui charms, added a cup of glitter pens (alongside normal ones) and a few of my favorite quotes and things to do.

I guess when you see something bright every day, you sort of turn your mood in for the better. Also, inspiration can strike from anywhere!

  • Text.

Its awful for some to even include this here but frankly?

I am a serial text-er and I LOVE it. I love getting texts, I love texting people. I love the constant (or frequent enough) exchange of happy (sensible) lines of conversation to keep you going through the day.

Whatsapp is highly addicting and also fun when you are in groups with loads of people sharing utmost random of random-est things that make you smile and helps you remember, all is not lost if a pitch you LOVED doesn’t get approved.

  • Sorting things out inside.

Honestly, no one can do this but you. You wouldn’t believe the amounts of things I have discovered about myself which I wouldn’t have if I hadn’t just sat down and thought them through. Of course, don’t over think it, but think enough to know what you’re doing, where you are going, what you want to do, when, how, why, who, everything.

Go for a walk, have a cup of hot chocolate on your own and just try to harness the positive energy inside you. Its there somewhere, I can guarantee it. A flicker of sunlight, a ray of hope, a glass of optimism, anything. Its embedded there somewhere. Just dig a little to find it.

images (5)

But its there alright.

More than anything else, this post was for me, to remind myself its ohkay to lapse out, as long as you don’t live in it. Walk right out of it when you are done, more uppity than before. But its ohkay to fall back a little. We all have out moments and projects, and busy lives to manage, juggle, piece together and even make.

I guess we all need a little reminder sometimes.


Images courtesy Google

Walking Into Adulthood Crisis

I don’t know how most of you will be able to relate to this, but I for one am facing a… walking into adulthood crisis (WIAC). And what the heck is that?

Let me explain.

Since we were in school, we always had a step of things moving forward. Like from elementary you knew you would go to middle school, then high school and then college… and here you sit at your first job with all these individuals around you thinking, so what next?

Now don’t get me wrong. I know where I am heading with this on the work front. Like, work for a couple of years an do a post graduate degree. But… what after? Whats the point?


Whats the meaning of all this and whats my goal?

And the answer I have right now: I. Dont. Know.

And frankly? Its unnerving at times. I don’t know what I am suppose to do anymore and there are so many things running around in my head, I am unable to find a direction for myself. The mere thought of being an adult is scary at times because you realize have this clear expanse of life and you don’t know how to fill it in. What do you do? Whats the point?



I know, hard truth isn’t it? One day, you are happy and cheery at  your first real job, invigorated with this whole realm of fascination and the next, you question your entire existence. Why does that even happen? You dont know. What can you do to it? Hmm….

So lets do something, I am going to write a list of things I can do to stop myself from fearing a blank life’s canvas and continue being motivated in doing what I do. That is living. 

  • Make short term goals

Achievable in nature and not something totally out of the blue. Things like, lost a few kilos (or pounds) saving up to buy this really expensive bag, that classy dress or finish that book you always wanted to read or tv show series you always wanted to see (Dr, Who for me!). So many things to keep yourself occupied with, because the last thing you want to feel is… that your life leads absolutely no where. And not like, this is going to give you the meaning of life and achieve nirvana, but… it will help you look forward to something ALL the time. And really that’s what counts the most. Small little things.

  • Make lists

Oh boy. Lists. Any kind of list, EVERY kind of list. Just write things you always wanted to do, or get, or try or something. Anything. Take a notebook, some colored pencils or glitter pens ( you know you want to use them shiny things) and write down every god damn thing you want to achieve/want/say/try/wish for. As the lists grown bigger you know that you aren’t lost at all. You have all these hopes and dreams and aspirations, and you are continuously doing something every day to achieve them. Today is just one day. Let it pass.

  • Write

Write like the world is producing too much paper and you are its only hope to use them and stop the world from turning into an over spill of paper. Ohkay, that was a horrible metaphor but you get the point. I kid you not, for me, writing has been the only constant thing in my life as the world around me changes. Change is not a bad thing but it gets you down at times knowing things will not be the same. And everyone always has a lot to think about, but not a lot of trust worthy individuals to share them with, so why not write down everything that is in your head? It will keep you calm if you are anxious, settled if you are jumpy and clear if you get all muddles up inside with all thats going around you.

  • Breathe

Thats what I am doing right now and its helping me chill the fudge out. Its normal to feel this way, I know I am feeling unsettled and anxious about the future but I also know that right now there is nothing I can do about it immediately. So, I am just breathing and letting things fall into place. Sounds so simple, doesnt it.


That’s all I can do right now. Yes, I still feel a little vulnerable on a few fronts but that doesn’t mean I am going to hide myself from experiencing life in all its adventurous glory. Yes, we all have those days and I don’t think there is anything wrong in feeling that way once in a while. It just gives us clarity on the things we HAVE to think about. So its fine. Its perfectly fine. Lets just not make a habit out of it, otherwise it just makes you a whole lot pessimistic.

Right. So.

Hi, I am feeling a little off today and I think its perfectly normal to do so. I am now going to go home after work, make myself green tea and find a friend to talk to while sitting on a bunch of pillows and throwing a huge blanket over myself. Aaaahhhh. =]

What are you going to do? Let me know!


Pictures courtesy Google.

I’m being followed.


I’m being followed….

On WordPress!

Thank you so much to those who clicked on the little +follow button and found sufficient interest in this meek newbie blog. Thank you so very much. You made my weekend very happy.

And on that cheery note:


Ah, today was a fabulous day at work. The internet connection went dead for a good 4 hours and it just came back! People were at each others cubicles, chatting, some we outside smoking, me? I went for a walk and got me chicken dumplings, chocolate and hell lot of biscuits. Yum.

And then I had a wonderful conversation with a friend whilst sitting in the open office balcony. It was windy and drizzling and the only thing missing was a big mug of hot chocolate with a fluffy white, blissfully perfect dollop of whipped cream like so:


And… I have been given a good amount of work to do. Which should prove to be challenging. Also, the weekend is around the corner so…


See? This is not what I wanted to turn into. A weekend begging, working individual. Ohkay, cool. The weekend is here. Nice. But that didn’t mean I had less of an eventful week. I had a blast.

I was sick on monday (so goodbye monday blues) Tuesday I realized I have way more optimistic, cheery people at work that I imagined. Wednesday I fell in love with my job when the Creative Director took my (now if I think about it, really immature) pitch presentations and beautifully explain what I need to work on, how I have potential and even better? Told me some of my ideas were awesome. Yay 😀 Today is chilled out day! And Friday is a day before Saturday so double yay.

So the point is, I will look forward to the weekend but, I wont survive on it. I’ll do many more things during the weekday too! Like a few friends working in the area wanted to take me out for lunch. So we might do that sometime next week. Play kingdoms of Amalur! Read!  I just found this really good book here at work on writing and creating digital content for the online world, by yahoo! So I’ll read that at work when I’m free.

Oh! I also found this on stumbleupon today:


This guy is called a Quokka. He is called the happiest animal on the planet. Why? Because his face is structured to form a permanent smile no matter what he does!

And he’s kinda cute. 😀

Sighs. And with this random content babble I hope you all have a great weekday-end!

Pictures courtesy Google.